clinic locations & contact numbers


telephone and video consultations can be booked by phoning

0151 203 6269

You can also phone the individual clinics for updated information

The Nuffield Health, Wrexham Road, Chester, CH4 7QP

01244 680 444

  • Monday 5pm-7pm
  • alternate Tuesday 1.30pm-4.30pm
  • alternate Wednesday 10am-12pm
  • telephone consultations available at other times on request

Spire Murrayfield, Holmwood Drive, Thingwall, Wirral, CH61 1AU

0151 929 5181

  • Monday 8am-12pm
  • telephone consultations available at other times on request

ISight Clinics, 2 Lulworth Road, Southport, PR8 2AT

01704 552 218

  • Friday 1pm-4.43pm
  • telephone consultations available at other times on request

The Sefton Suite, Aintree Hospital, Lower Lane, L9 7AL

0151 257 6700

  • face-to-face consultations available on request